Refund and Returns Policy

Refund and Returns Policy

At Smart Furno, we strive to ensure your satisfaction with every purchase. If you encounter any issues with your product, please review our refund and replacement policy outlined below:

5 Days Replacement Policy:
If you receive a product that is defective or not as described, you may request a replacement within 5 days of receiving your order. Otherwise refund will be provided within 5-7 working days at the source.  Please note that replacements are subject to availability.

Conditions for Replacement:
– Replacements cannot be provided for products that have been damaged due to mishandling or misuse.
– If a replacement cannot be facilitated due to unavailability or other reasons, we will proceed with a refund of the purchase amount.

Defective Product:
If you receive a defective product, you can initiate a replacement within 5 days of delivery. We will arrange for the return and replacement of the item at no additional cost to you.

Damaged Products Beyond 5 Days:
In the event that your product becomes damaged after the initial 5-day replacement period and requires repair, we offer repair services at a nominal charge. Please contact our customer service team for assistance in arranging the repair.

Contact Us:
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund and replacement policy, please contact our customer service team at []. We are here to assist you and ensure your satisfaction with our products and services.

Note: This refund and replacement policy is subject to change without prior notice. Please refer to the most recent version available on our website for the latest information.